Credit cards, if used properly they are convenient and a great budgeting tool. If it is abused, using credit cards can be the start of a years-long nightmare and unbelievable stress. There are some causes of credit card debts.
1. Spend, spend, and spend.Spending on credit card is same as borrowing money. If you using it without control, it will lead you to high debts situation. When you use credit card to purchase, one of the disadvantage is you will not be aware how much you have already spent, this may lead to over spending situation.
2. Income less, expenses more..
Nowadays, the price of groceries, utilities, and etc is rapidly increasing, but not in income. Because of this some group of people are forced to use credit card for purchase. This obviously leads to a risen in debts.
3. Poor money management
This is one of the reasons that why so many people accumulate a lot of debts. If you do not have a monthly spending plan or you do not keep track on the plan, you will not be aware what have you spending to, or you may spend on something which are not necessary.
1. Having a good money management plan is very important. If you have planned properly for your expenses within the range of income you have, you can avoid using credit card.
3. Make sure that you settle the bills on time. if you really cannot pay back the whole balance, then you should try to paid as much as possible, or else the credit card debts will keep on grow up and up.